Information Technologies

4 out of 10 IT companies are established in the region in which Aguascalientes is established.

Investors betting on Aguascalientes

As a state we have always been recognized for being at the forefront of technological development, and the information technology sector is no exception, since we have prepared human capital, as well as the conditions for the development of this sector.

IT companies in Aguascalientes

Clusters Map

Local Companies

Aguascalientes has a range of international, national and local IT companies. It is worth mentioning that each of them offers different services for different areas.

We have presence in the Major Leagues

Since August 2020, we are members of the Austin Technology Council, host of South By Southwest, the most important IT industry event in North America.

Main development areas

They have the Nearshore model

Our companies have certifications such as

Most of the companies have foreign clients

  • Academic Information
  • Talent and certified people
  • IT Industry Ecosystem
1 institutions

of higher education and technology that offer related careers

Related careers:

5000 students enrolled
900 graduates

(school year 2018-2019)


1000 people

are working as professionals in this sector

Salary range of the sector:
From 10,000 to 20,000 pesos per month on average

Most of the people working in this field have certifications

Dual education

Local talent

Research centers

Presence of international companies

Sector ecosystem

Innovation Projects

Relationship with international organizations and major cities

Relationship with international organizations and major cities

Success stories

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